Our Philosophy
In the business of Motion Picture Exhibition, as in ANY business, one must accumulate income and
control expenses in order to be successful. For a movie theatre, the film buyer plays an important
role on both sides of this equation.
In broad terms, ESP, as the film buyer, serves two main purposes. In order to accumulate income
we consult with a theatre owner to help educate, enlighten and apprise them about upcoming films
so they can make decisions about which movies to play in their theatres. Once decisions are made,
in order to help control expenses, we negotiate with the film distribution companies, as the theatre
owners’ agent, to get the best film rental terms possible.
Securing the right film for your theatre is one of the most important components to meeting the
challenge of independent motion picture exhibition. We currently buy for approximately 500 screens
encompassing nearly forty independent theatre owners all across America. These screens, and our
strong relationships with distributors, give us buying power and access that makes acquiring the most
appropriate film more successful. We help you make decisions about films by providing knowledge
and understanding of the market place that comes from Los Angeles based connections who know
about the buzz on the streets; access to and reactions from advance screenings; attention to industry
tracking; access to comparative numbers and insight into distributor expectations, etc.
With the expense pressures from the need to convert to digital projection as well as from the
relentless consumer demand for the latest innovations in sound, seating and visual enhancements
coupled with film rental aggregates creeping ever upward because of run away production costs;
negotiating the best possible film rental terms is essential. ESP deals daily with many different
film company branch offices. We know about deals being made all over the country, comparing
and contrasting distributor-to-distributor as well as division-to-division, branch-to-branch and even
salesperson-to-salesperson. This knowledge, our relationships and our buying power mean better
terms for our clients.
About ESP
Doug Endicott and Mark Schulte are the principals of ESP. Doug has been buying film for well over
30 years and started ESP on it journey to its current position of respect for skillful and assertive
representation on behalf of independent theatre owners. We are an invaluable source of information
and guidance for theatre owners and operators of all kinds. We offer exhibition, distribution and
related industries experience totaling well over 50 years. We have worked in theatres from the age
of 16, from usher and concession to projection and management; directed operations for a regional
circuit; conducted field inspections and audits for independent theatres; owned an advertising agency
with film company clients including 20th Century Fox, Orion & Tri-Star; worked on a national level
in publicity and promotions at New World Pictures and Universal Pictures; and worked as Studio
Accounts Rep for National Screen Service. Additionally, we continue to advise distributors on
specialized product release patterns, consult on theatre acquisitions & financial proformas and served
on committees with the National Association of Theatre Owners of California & Nevada.
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